Thursday 10 April 2014

Journal (21)
On Tuesday and Wednesday my group went back after school to continue editing our opening title sequence. Unfortunately I was unable to make both days due to medical appointments. However, after watching the final piece all the way through I am more than pleased with the progress my group have made without me.
Jake had managed to add in some transitions to show time passing and also another music piece called ‘Shaded Speech’ to the first scene. Furthermore Jess and Sophie added in the credits and did little adjustments which was needed.
The next step for I and my group is to upload our final piece onto our blogs.
Journal (20)
After school today (Monday 7th April) me, Sophie and Jess went back to our media classroom and edited the footage that we filmed on Sunday but due to other commitments we were unable to stay for longer than 35 minutes. We found that editing this was easy and quick therefore the 35 minutes were more than enough.
We used the same icons such as ‘blade’ to edit the footage and make it look as continuous as we possibly could. The next step for us is to catch up with Jake and tell him what exactly we did.
We are all happy to say that we have finally finished editing our footage together and all that is left to do is finish sound and also add suitable credits. 

Journal (19)
Shoot day
As a group we arranged to film the last bit of our opening sequence (the first scene) on Sunday 6th April. Due to the Manchester marathon many roads were closed therefore we agreed to meet at Sophie’s at 3:00pm however none of us could get in touch with Jake until 4:00pm therefore we could not begin filming until around 4:15pm.
Unfortunately I had a netball match at 6:30pm so we had to work as efficiently as we could to get it all filmed before I had to rush off. Me, Sophie and Jess worked well together when taking control of the camera work as we gave each other a lot of advice on different camera shots/ angles we could use.

We are all happy to say that our filming is complete after a total number of 3 re-shoot.

What’s next?
The next step is to edit together the footage we got on Sunday and try to finish the sound by Tuesday 8th April so we have 2-3 days to edit in the credits. 

Shooting schedule
Sunday 6th April

Day/ night
Exterior/ interior
Shot description/ summary
3:50 – 4:15
We met at Sophie’s house at 3:50 and waited for Jake to arrive at 4:10
4:15 – 4:30
In this 15 minutes we took an establishing shot of the house, another establishing shot of the house but this time seeing my dad (Rick) walking out of the house, a close up of the back of the car and lastly a close up of the front of the car
Sophie’s house/ garage
4:35 – 5:05
We filmed Rick sending the text (mid-shot), a close up of Jakes bound hands and feet, a close up of a bag on his head, an over shoulder shot of the text message being sent and a mid-shot of Rick closing the boot of the car

Thursday 3 April 2014

Journal (18)
In today’s lesson (Thursday 3rd April) we edited together we footage we got on Tuesday. Jake wasn’t in today’s lesson therefore he wasn’t involved in the process of editing today.
We are now used to the icons and the editing process so we thought that today is was easy to edit. There was one point in the footage that it looked as though it jumped so we had to cut both clips down slightly to try and make it look as continuous as possible also there were two clips that we noticed didn’t go together fully. One of the clips was the midshots of Paul getting up and beginning to walk out and the other clip was a mid-shot of him walking past the camera but when we edited them together the last bit of the first clip Paul was in front of the desk whereas the other clip Paul was behind the desk so we had to use the ‘blade’ icon to down both of them down so Paul was placed at the same positioning, we also had to think about his footwork and link up the footages as he was continuously walking.
After we had finished editing the footage we began experimented with music. We decided to take out ‘Werewolf’ and use ‘All but forgotten’ instead as we thought this suited a lot because ‘Werewolf’ was too upbeat for the footage used in the opening sequence. However, we have still used ‘Werewolf’ for when we see the car arriving and for the rest of the footage afterwards, including the title.

What’s next?
The next steps for I and my group is to fully complete filming on Sunday. This includes the first scene so we will get together as a group and check over the plan we have made. 

Journal (17)
Shooting day
By the end of this shooting session we hoped to have completed the footage of Paul, meaning we would then have completed all footage of the boys receiving the text. Unfortunately Jess was unable to make the agreed time therefore it was left to me, Jake and Sophie to film one of our actors Paul.
I believe this was by far the easiest and quickest shoot we have done. Paul was very co-operative and didn’t mess around making us all think he was more than suitable to have in our opening sequence.
We originally planned to film Paul in a pub however we thought it would be a lot easier to film in our school and make it out as though Paul was a teacher. We managed to get permission to film in one of our teacher’s classrooms.
We used a variety of shots including:
·         Match on action of him opening the door
·         A close up of his hands typing on the computer
·         A close up of his legs as he walked out the room
·         A long shot showing the surroundings 
·         A mid shot of him writing/ typing 

Shooting schedule (6)
Tuesday 1st April

Day/ night
Exterior/ interior
Shot description/ summary
We all finished school at 3:05pm and met up outside private study
3:20 – 4:05

We set up the office as though it was a working environment, we used a midshots of Paul on the computer pretending to work, we then zoomed out and used a long shot of Paul urgently walking out of the office after receiving the text, we also attempted to use a close up shot showing his emotion when he received the text
Private study office (Wellington High School)