Thursday 3 April 2014

Journal (18)
In today’s lesson (Thursday 3rd April) we edited together we footage we got on Tuesday. Jake wasn’t in today’s lesson therefore he wasn’t involved in the process of editing today.
We are now used to the icons and the editing process so we thought that today is was easy to edit. There was one point in the footage that it looked as though it jumped so we had to cut both clips down slightly to try and make it look as continuous as possible also there were two clips that we noticed didn’t go together fully. One of the clips was the midshots of Paul getting up and beginning to walk out and the other clip was a mid-shot of him walking past the camera but when we edited them together the last bit of the first clip Paul was in front of the desk whereas the other clip Paul was behind the desk so we had to use the ‘blade’ icon to down both of them down so Paul was placed at the same positioning, we also had to think about his footwork and link up the footages as he was continuously walking.
After we had finished editing the footage we began experimented with music. We decided to take out ‘Werewolf’ and use ‘All but forgotten’ instead as we thought this suited a lot because ‘Werewolf’ was too upbeat for the footage used in the opening sequence. However, we have still used ‘Werewolf’ for when we see the car arriving and for the rest of the footage afterwards, including the title.

What’s next?
The next steps for I and my group is to fully complete filming on Sunday. This includes the first scene so we will get together as a group and check over the plan we have made. 

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