Tuesday 21 January 2014

When a team of retired military servicemen receive an anonymous text they discover they are about to be reunited for the first time in 6 years in order to save the life of their former leader, Jake.
They must work together and overcome their differences if they have any chance of accomplishing 12 rounds of tasks sets by Rick, the leader of the gang who violently kidnapped Jake.
After much distribute and disagreement the team decide to regroup with determination to save Jake.

Will they be able to work as a team like they used to, tackle obstacles and over power Rick and his gang?   

Storyboard on the first scene
During the first scene we see a mysterious text message being sent from a Blackberry mobile, the audiences are unable to see what the text exactly says as it is covered. After the text had been sent we see the man leave the room where a tied up person seems to be being kept hostage, it is not clear what or in facet who this person is or why he is there. The last footage we see in the scene is the man closing and locking the door behind him.

Annotations (if unable to read)
The first image
  •     Back of head = remains a mystery who he/she is
  •     Unable to read the text (blurred? Covered?)
  •     Gloves = maybe wanting to keep his identity a secret

 The second image
  •     Very dim lighting = isolated
  •     Cracks and cobwebs = abandoned
  •     Balaklava = unidentified > makes audiences ask questions so will have to continue watching to discover answers
  •     Dressed in all black = dark/ evil person
  •     Golf clubs = harmful
  •     Character tied up = shows a crime has been committed
  •     Red on the door = blood?

The third image
  •     Wooden planks across door = doesn’t want the other character to escape
  •     No scenery behind the character locking the door = unknown where the room is

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