Friday 28 March 2014

Changes we have made (2)
Originally we were going to use the following settings as to where the boys would be filmed:
·         A pub
·         A house
·         A shop
·         Out on a walk – a field
However we have now decided to use:
·         A house
·         Someone walking home from football training – a field
·         At a school office
We have decided to change the pub setting to a school office setting because we were unable to get permission to film in a pub therefore we thought that because Paul goes to our school and would be in a suit it would be more convenient to film in our school but make it look like he was just finishing work.

CGI scene
Originally Jake came up with the idea of using a clip of a map in which you could see red dots moving which symbolises the boys being tracked towards the car park. We found that this would be very confusing ad hard to do and hard to make it look effective therefore we decided to remove this scene.

How the boys travelled to the car park
We originally said that the four boys would either walk, ride a bike, run or drive to the car park however we knew that it would be a lot easier if we didn’t include how the boys got to the car park therefore we have just filmed the boys leaving their location and not including how they actually get to the car park.

Actors – final decision
As I have previously stated we were going to try and get 4 boys to be in out opening sequence however we thought that this would be a waste of our time and that 3 boys would be good enough. We have used Paul Taylor, Conor Cooke and Jack Marshall and have now not used Joe Brown. 
Journal (16)
Today was my first day back after my 4 day break in London therefore my main focus was to catch up with Sophie and Jake and listen to what progress they have made on our opening sequence. They had managed to edit some more music, still using ‘Werewolf’, to fit into the sequence. They completed the music for Conor’s footage and also Jack’s footage, they also added in a transition called ‘simple’ which is an effective way to bring out Jakes video and is a nice way to add continuity.

Today, as a group, we managed to finalise the music which will be played as ‘DETAINED’ appears on the screen. Although when we edited music last time it took a while, this time it didn’t seem to need much editing. I suggested that the music should be very harsh and powerful when the title is on the screen and stop suddenly therefore we experimented with different parts of ‘Werewolf’ until we found the exact part we were looking for. 

Sunday 23 March 2014

Journal (15)
Plans for the next week

I and my group agreed that filming of scene 1 would happen today. However, scene 1 is all exterior and due to awful weather we were unable to continue filming today. When we all agreed that filming could not take place today we decided to ask Paul (one of the boys) whether he was available so we could film his part however due to family commitments he wasn’t.
For the next week I and Jess are on a school trip to London so unfortunately we will not be there to contribute to next week’s work on the opening sequence. However, I have spoken to Sophie and Jake and said that if they want to they can film Paul’s part during this week but if they need me and Jess to be there then they can just carry on with experimenting with music. 
Journal (14)
As I have previously stated this week’s focus had been mainly based on music. In my last post I said that as a group we liked ‘Army Angels’ the best however when we listened over the track again we found that it was a bit too upbeat for our opening sequence so we have now decided to use ‘Werewolf’.
As I was listening to the track there was one bit that really stood out to me and I thought right away that it would be perfect for when the car is arriving, therefore I put my idea across to Jess and the rest of the group and luckily they all agreed with my idea.
The part in which I liked was a lot slower than the rest of the track and also has minute parts in it that don’t seem to have any music playing, I thought this would be good for this part of scene 3 as it would add suspense to the scene.

When we cut this part of the track out and placed it where we thought it should go it didn’t fit exactly, therefore we had to do a lot of editing to make it fit. For example, we had to use the ‘blade’ button to cut the part down exactly as we wanted the music to switch to upbeat again when the bag hits the floor. We also had to many different editing buttons to make it as continuous as we could as when we chopped the part up it was a little bumpy and didn’t sound very continuous, but with a lot of patience and co-operation by all group members we finally got it perfect and we all really like this music part!

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Journal (13)
Over the past few days I and my group have begun to experiment with different types of music, which will play in the background of our opening sequence. We tried a variety of songs such as ‘Great Expanse’ but as a group we all liked ‘Army Angels’ the best. However, there are parts in the song which go very fast and upbeat which doesn’t suit the footage as the footage is slow, for example when Jack is walking across the field before he receives the text. This means that for this week we will continue to research different music types and try experimenting with overlapping different tunes to make is sound more interesting and suitable.

As for shooting, there have been a few problems with when we can shoot the last two bits we need to film – Paul receiving the text in the pub (part of scene 2) and Rick sending the text (scene 1). These problems have varied from group members not being able to make the shooting day to mine or Sophie’s dad working, which unfortunately we cannot help. Therefore we have agreed that shooting will continue on Sunday 23rd March. 

Sunday 16 March 2014

Journal (12)
On Friday I and my group edited the footage we got from the night before. When we were looking over the footage we were very pleased with what we got and thought that the new footage joins nicely with the footage we had previously edited. However, we did notice one problem this being that the clip showing what is in the bag is far too short compared to the other clips therefore at this point is looks very rushed and jumpy. We experimented with different transitions to see if we can make it look better but we were unable to do this so we carried on experimented. We finally found out that you could slow the footage down so we decided to slow it down by ‘x2’ which makes it look a lot less rushed and more natural.  
Shooting schedule (5)

Thursday 13th March

Day/ night
Exterior/ interior
Shot description/ summary
4:30 – 5:30
We used a close up shot of the registration plate of the car, the car then drives away allowing the audience to see the back of the car (same car as seen in first scene), a close up of the car wheel turning, a close up of the drivers eyes in the rear view mirror. An establishing shot showing the 3 boys waiting and the car arriving, we see a bag being thrown out the window.
Timperley astro
Driver of the car
Brandon (now played by Paul Taylor)
 5:35 – 6:15
We used a close up showing what is inside the bag, a mid shot of Conor getting the letter out of the bag and also Jack getting the phone out of the bag.
Timperley astro
Journal (11)
Shooting day
On Thursday evening I and my group travelled to Timperley astro to re-shoot scene 3 therefore the characters needed were the driver of the car, Paul, Jack and Conor – see shooting schedule for details.

Even though this scene is Sophie’s scene, we all did our bit to help her out. For example, I did my best to help Sophie out when she wasn’t sure on an angle or shot type. For example, I came up with the ideas to get footage of the driver’s eyes in the rear view mirror, a side view of the wheels and a close up of the registration plate (back) which led to an establishing shot as the car drove away from us. I knew my input on shot types were good as my group seemed really enthusiastic in response to my suggestions.

Furthermore, we managed to shoot the other half of scene 4. This scene includes one of the boys getting the phone of the bag, pressing play, watching the video and finally getting the envelope out of the bag. On another shooting we filmed the video which is going to be seen on the phone, meaning on Thursday all we had to do is film the other bits, which was not a lot at all.

To be honest we didn’t really face any big obstacles that we had to overcome which was very lucky. However, one problem we faced was the actors couldn’t stop laughing when we were shooting the end of scene 3/ the start of scene 4 but in the end they managed to calm down and get the job done. Another small obstacle was that because we were filming in a public area there were many people walking their dogs or out on a run meaning we had to stop filming until the surroundings were clear.

Throughout the evening I believe we all worked extremely well as a group for many reasons. For example, we all listened to each other’s contributions.

The next step for me and my group is to look over the footage we got on this day and begin to edit all the clips together and make it look as continuous as we can. Also we have to film the third boy, Paul, receive the text in a pub or shop and the first scene at Sophie’s house. Finally, depending on time management we have decided that we may film the video of Jake again as the first shoot of it looks very stylised and unrealistic. We plan to split these tasks up over a 2 day period sometime this week.

Saturday 15 March 2014

Journal (10)
On Thursday 13th March I and my group began to edit our footage that we got on Tuesday.

We managed to get half of the third scene complete. This means we joined all the footage of Jack together and also all the footage of Conor together. There is one point in Conor’s part where the lighting is very dark and unclear so we experimented with different lighting to see if we could lighten the footage a bit but unfortunately we were unable to do this for a few reasons, for example we used an effect called ‘highlights’ but it looked as though someone was playing with a torch therefore we have decided to leave the lighting as it.

As a group I believe we are happy with the progress we have made. 

Thursday 13 March 2014

Shooting schedule (4)

Tuesday 11th March

Day/ night
Exterior/ interior
Shot description/ summary
4:45 – 4:50
I and my group set up the camera and waited for Jack to arrive
4:55 – 5:30

We used a long shot to film Jack walking, then a behind long side, a side of view (long shot). We then did a shot showing his shadow for an effect. A mid shot was used when he got the text, then a close up on his hands holding the phone, a zoom out then a pan of him running off. Finally we used a point of view shot as though Jack is looking down at his feet.  
Timperley golf course
 5:40 – 6:20
We used a mid shot of him sitting down watching TV; we zoomed in on the phone as he received the text, over shoulder shot of him getting up, a font mid shot of him leaving the room and finally a low angle shot of him putting his shoes on.
 My house

On this shoot we decided to call Jack and Conor at different times as we know that it isn’t fair to have them both there at the same time as one would be stood around doing nothing when they didn’t really need to be there. 
Journal (9)
On Tuesday 11th March I and my group did some experimenting with editing.
We looked at all the different titles you can have to see if there was any we thought would go well with our opening sequence. We then decided experimenting different effects was needed, this is because when looking at the footage of Jake, in the boot, when he is talking it looks very stylised therefore we wanted to see if we could darken the lighting to make it look more effective. Unfortunately we did not manage to find a suitable effect but did succeed in finding a different effect which could be used for the video, in the fourth scene.

Additionally, as a group we decided to see what we could create from the footage we have. We picked a few different shots and put a fade and flash in between each. When we looked at it as a whole clip it didn’t not look like we wanted to and believed it wasn’t a good enough standard. 

Finally, filming continued on Tuesday 11th March.
What do we need to reshoot?

When I and my group looked over the footage we had filmed over the past few shooting days we realised that there were a few problems.

Tunnel vision
One problem was that the footage had very obvious black curves in each corner when we zoomed out making the image look like it was in a circle shape; this was due to tunnel vision.

Although the camera we used for this soot was better than expected we knew that we would have to make the decision to film with a different camera. For the next shoot Sophie managed to get permission from her dad to use a very high quality camera, in which the footage was just as sharp as what it was on the other camera.

Another problem was during the third scene when shooting Reece in the pub. When we filmed a long shot of Reece leaving the camera image seems to pixel making the image look unclear which doesn’t look good in our opening sequence.

The way that I and my group have gotten over this problem is to use a different camera (the same camera used to solve the tunnel vision problem).  

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Changes we have made

Originally we asked Reece, Jack, Nathan and Jake but due to other commitments there wasn’t a day in which we could film that suited all of us, except Jack. This was very unfortunate and left me and my group devastated. However, we knew that quick decisions had to take place therefore we managed to get another 3 boys to play the roles. The boys included:
·         Jack Marshall
·         Paul Taylor
·         Joe Brown
·         Conor Cooke

The number of actors
Initially we planned to have 4 boys in the group but now we have decided that we may have to cut the number down to 3, this depends on whether we have time next week to film Joe Brown. However, it is not a massive problem if we do not have time to film him it just means that our plans of having the screen cut into four sections, each showing a different boy receiving the text message, would not be able to be used anymore.

The use of an over shoulder shot
At first we used an over shoulder shot in each footage of the boys receiving the text, we decided to use this as it would reveal the text message saying ‘Meet at Car Park @ 2:00pm’. When we attempted to do this shot type in the reshoot, the text was blurry therefore we have decided to reveal the text in the first scene when Rick is typing it. 

How the opening sequence begins
When me and Jake watched the footage back from the reshoot we thought that the action started to quickly, as though there was no build up to it. Therefore we have decided to begin with an establishing shot of the house then a shot of the front of the car, the back of the car then back to an establishing shot in which we would see Jake being dragged out the house by Rick.
Problems with shooting schedules

As I have previously stated I and my group arranged to continue reshooting on Friday 7th March but due to unfortunate bad weather we were unable to film. This is because the weather from the original reshoot is nice and the lighting is bright and if we did shoot on Friday the weather and lighting would be totally different making it look like the boys haven’t received to text message at the same time.

Due to this problem we then decided to continue reshooting on Monday 10th March. However, for the first scene we need Mark’s car but he was unfortunately working therefore we were unable to reshoot parts of the first scene. Following on from this we then had much discussion and decided to ask the actors (the 4 boys) whether they could possibly make time on that night for us to reshoot their part, but due to other commitments they were unable to do this. This is obviously understandable. 

Thursday 6 March 2014

Shot list
Scene one (in order)
·         An establishing shot of the house
·         A long shot of the front of the car
·         A side on view of the car
·         Back to an establishing shot – this time we see Rick dragging Jake out the house, opening the boot and putting Jake inside of it
·         A long shot of Rick getting his phone out of his pocket
·         A mid shot of him typing on his phone
·         Zoom in to a close up of the phone (but not revealing text) – side on view
·         Cuts to close up of bag on Jake’s head then close up of his bound hands and lastly a close up of his bound feet
·         A long shot of Rick beginning to shut boot (from front of car)
·         Cut to a long shot of Rick fully shutting the boot (front back of car)
Scene three
Although this is not my scene, I decided to create a list of shot types that I thought would look effective when the car is arriving to the car park.
·         A long shot of the car arriving
·         A close up of the registration plate
·         A close up of the rear view mirror showing the driver’s eyes
·         A long shot of the front of the car turning the corner 
Journal (8)
Today I and Jake viewed the footage we filmed on Monday. We both agreed that the footage we got was a lot better than what we got from our first shoot, for example we got many more close up shots rather than just always using long and mid shots. Another positive of the re-shoot was the costume of Rick. When comparing the two outfits from each shoot it was clear that the re-shoot’s outfit was more appropriate, which my teacher also made comment on.
However, even though I have highlighted a few strengths, it is clear that work is still needed to be done on the footage filmed at Sophie’s house. For example, we begin shooting Rick sending the text using a long shot from behind him then the next footage is a zoom in to the phone from a side view of Rick. This is a limitation as there is no continuity therefore me and Jake decided that there needs to be a clip where the camera moves around Rick (from the behind shot to the side view shot). Furthermore, another weakness is our opening sequence starts straight away therefore I and Jake have decided to shoot a few shots, for example establishing shots and mid shots, that can be used before we see Rick sending the text. Additionally this would make it more dramatic as the audience will question why we are at this house.
We hope to meet Jess and Sophie to get them up to date and tell them our new ideas.

After feedback and help from our teacher, I and Jake have created a shot list for our scenes. 
Shooting schedule (3)

Monday 3rd March

Day/ night
Exterior/ interior
Shot description/ summary
3:45 – 4:00
Me, Jess and Jake arrived at Sophie’s and discussed what the plan for the next few hours were
4:05 – 4:25
Me, Jess and Sophie did Jake’s makeup
4:30 – 5:20

Scene 1
Jake in the boot of the car and we see Rick sending the text (using a mid shot), then zooms to an over shoulder shot to see the phone, zooms out to a long shot of Rick shutting the boot.
We also varied the angles at which we shot this from.
Sophie’s house
Rick (now played by Brian Edwards)
5:30 – 6:00

Scene 4
We see Rick aggressively pull a black bag off Jake’s head (mid shot) then we used a close up of Jake talking into the camera.
Sophie’s house
6:00 – 6:10
Discussion about the next shoot day went ahead
Journal (7)
The re-shoot
As I have previously stated me and my group have decided to re-shoot the majority of our footage therefore we came to an agreement that we should spilt the shooting days up, for example complete all footage that is needed to be done at Sophie’s house on Monday 3rd March and complete all footage that is needed to be done at Timperley astro, the Hare and Hounds pub and a local shop on Friday 7th March as they are all in the same surroundings.

After speaking to the group about my idea of the costume of ‘Rick’ and how I thought that the clothing in the first shoot wasn’t appropriate, we came to the decision that instead of Sophie’s dad, my dad would be more suited for the role.

The day before this shoot I searched my house for props and makeup that would help in this shoot and also help my fellow group members. I managed to find duct tape which I thought could be used to tape Jake mouth and his hands and feet together, I brought the bag which was used in the last shoot and finally black eye liner which could be used for making Jake look bruised and a red felt tip which would look good for the blood/scratch effect. It is clear all these things came in handy when doing the makeup, as seen below.

When we watched our first shoot footage, as a group we made a list of every mistake we made in each scene, this was to ensure that these mistakes weren’t made again.

Another decision we made as a group was to do each and every clip a number of times and at different angles, this was to make certain that if one shot was wrong, for example if one of us accidently spoke, we would have another shot to use instead. Furthermore we decided to vary out shot types a lot more than what we did, for example we used a close up shot of Jake’s face and many zooms.

I believe that we worked a lot better as a group this time around than what we did. Sophie took the role of using the camera, I took the role of creating new ideas about angle shots/ shot types and ordering Jake and my dad (Brian) what to wear, Jess helped me with the shot types and also focused on makeup (which she got help from me and Sophie also) and lastly Jake played the role of ‘Jake’ (the person in the boot) in which I think he did extraordinarily well, which I’m sure my group will agree with. By working as a group we found that this shooting day was more productive.

On Thursday 6th March we planned to edit the footage that we have re-shot but due to a school trip Sophie and Jess aren’t going to be here therefore me and Jake have decided to begin editing the best we can and feedback what we have created to Sophie and Jess when they are back.

The next shooting day will be on Friday in which we hope to finish shooting fully. 

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Research on costume for the reshoot
As I have stated in a previous post, the costume of ‘Rick’ (the character who send the text) was not suitable as his jumper was a dark green colour in which advertised a roofing company. Furthermore he was also wearing white trainers when in fact I aimed for him to be wearing black clothing head to toe.
The reason that I wanted ‘Rick’ to be wearing all black is because he is meant to be represented as a thug type character to the audience, who has a dark side to him which would be symbolised by the black clothing.

Gloves – showing he wants to try and hide his identity (no fingerprints to trace him) 

Metal toe boots – shows his aggression

Black coat 

Black Jumper – plain


Black combat pants