Tuesday 18 March 2014

Journal (13)
Over the past few days I and my group have begun to experiment with different types of music, which will play in the background of our opening sequence. We tried a variety of songs such as ‘Great Expanse’ but as a group we all liked ‘Army Angels’ the best. However, there are parts in the song which go very fast and upbeat which doesn’t suit the footage as the footage is slow, for example when Jack is walking across the field before he receives the text. This means that for this week we will continue to research different music types and try experimenting with overlapping different tunes to make is sound more interesting and suitable.

As for shooting, there have been a few problems with when we can shoot the last two bits we need to film – Paul receiving the text in the pub (part of scene 2) and Rick sending the text (scene 1). These problems have varied from group members not being able to make the shooting day to mine or Sophie’s dad working, which unfortunately we cannot help. Therefore we have agreed that shooting will continue on Sunday 23rd March. 

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