Thursday, 6 March 2014

Shot list
Scene one (in order)
·         An establishing shot of the house
·         A long shot of the front of the car
·         A side on view of the car
·         Back to an establishing shot – this time we see Rick dragging Jake out the house, opening the boot and putting Jake inside of it
·         A long shot of Rick getting his phone out of his pocket
·         A mid shot of him typing on his phone
·         Zoom in to a close up of the phone (but not revealing text) – side on view
·         Cuts to close up of bag on Jake’s head then close up of his bound hands and lastly a close up of his bound feet
·         A long shot of Rick beginning to shut boot (from front of car)
·         Cut to a long shot of Rick fully shutting the boot (front back of car)
Scene three
Although this is not my scene, I decided to create a list of shot types that I thought would look effective when the car is arriving to the car park.
·         A long shot of the car arriving
·         A close up of the registration plate
·         A close up of the rear view mirror showing the driver’s eyes
·         A long shot of the front of the car turning the corner 

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