Friday, 28 March 2014

Changes we have made (2)
Originally we were going to use the following settings as to where the boys would be filmed:
·         A pub
·         A house
·         A shop
·         Out on a walk – a field
However we have now decided to use:
·         A house
·         Someone walking home from football training – a field
·         At a school office
We have decided to change the pub setting to a school office setting because we were unable to get permission to film in a pub therefore we thought that because Paul goes to our school and would be in a suit it would be more convenient to film in our school but make it look like he was just finishing work.

CGI scene
Originally Jake came up with the idea of using a clip of a map in which you could see red dots moving which symbolises the boys being tracked towards the car park. We found that this would be very confusing ad hard to do and hard to make it look effective therefore we decided to remove this scene.

How the boys travelled to the car park
We originally said that the four boys would either walk, ride a bike, run or drive to the car park however we knew that it would be a lot easier if we didn’t include how the boys got to the car park therefore we have just filmed the boys leaving their location and not including how they actually get to the car park.

Actors – final decision
As I have previously stated we were going to try and get 4 boys to be in out opening sequence however we thought that this would be a waste of our time and that 3 boys would be good enough. We have used Paul Taylor, Conor Cooke and Jack Marshall and have now not used Joe Brown. 

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