Thursday, 13 March 2014

Shooting schedule (4)

Tuesday 11th March

Day/ night
Exterior/ interior
Shot description/ summary
4:45 – 4:50
I and my group set up the camera and waited for Jack to arrive
4:55 – 5:30

We used a long shot to film Jack walking, then a behind long side, a side of view (long shot). We then did a shot showing his shadow for an effect. A mid shot was used when he got the text, then a close up on his hands holding the phone, a zoom out then a pan of him running off. Finally we used a point of view shot as though Jack is looking down at his feet.  
Timperley golf course
 5:40 – 6:20
We used a mid shot of him sitting down watching TV; we zoomed in on the phone as he received the text, over shoulder shot of him getting up, a font mid shot of him leaving the room and finally a low angle shot of him putting his shoes on.
 My house

On this shoot we decided to call Jack and Conor at different times as we know that it isn’t fair to have them both there at the same time as one would be stood around doing nothing when they didn’t really need to be there. 

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