Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Problems with shooting schedules

As I have previously stated I and my group arranged to continue reshooting on Friday 7th March but due to unfortunate bad weather we were unable to film. This is because the weather from the original reshoot is nice and the lighting is bright and if we did shoot on Friday the weather and lighting would be totally different making it look like the boys haven’t received to text message at the same time.

Due to this problem we then decided to continue reshooting on Monday 10th March. However, for the first scene we need Mark’s car but he was unfortunately working therefore we were unable to reshoot parts of the first scene. Following on from this we then had much discussion and decided to ask the actors (the 4 boys) whether they could possibly make time on that night for us to reshoot their part, but due to other commitments they were unable to do this. This is obviously understandable. 

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